Financial Aid Approximately 95% of ICA families receive funds from one of our scholarship organizations. The state of Florida has the most comprehensive school choice program in the United States, thanks to our current governor and legislators in Tallahassee. Inverness Christian Academy participates in the Florida corporate tax scholarship programs and scholarships for special needs students. The John McKay scholarship is no longer, and all former McKay students have been transitioned to the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Unique Abilities (FES-UA). Income-based scholarships (FTC/FES) now allow a family of four in the household to make up to almost $100,000 per year, thanks to legislation passed in 2021! There are also scholarships for special needs (either via an existing IEP or now by a physician diagnosis, as well), bullying at a public school, and even a partial scholarship for students with a reading deficiency. Scholarships available for ICA students: Florida Tax Credit (FTC) or Family Empowerment (FES): https://www.stepupforstudents.org/scholarships/scholarships-for-private-school/ Family Empowerment Scholarship for Unique Abilities (FES-UA): https://www.stepupforstudents.org/for-parents/special-needs/how-the-scholarship-works/ Hope Scholarship (For Students Bullied at a District School): https://www.stepupforstudents.org/for-parents/hope/how-the-scholarship-works/ Reading Scholarship (not full tuition): https://www.stepupforstudents.org/for-parents/reading-scholarship/how-the-scholarship-works/ Alternate Organization Administering the FTC and FES Scholarships (to try if turned down by above Step Up applications) AAA Scholarships - aaascholarships.org (Administers the FTC/FES/FES-UA scholarships) Families who apply for these scholarships are not considered fully enrolled at Inverness Christian Academy until proof of funding is provided to the family.